Products on this page are not compatible with the ProxPAD™ from Proxtalker. To purchase TOC cards that are compatible with the ProxPAD™ click here.
Tangible Object Cards (TOC) pair objects that are easy to recognize and discriminate with words/pictures. Objects are securely fastened to durable 5"x7" PVC plastic cards. Each comes with a removable blank 2" x 3 1/2" card (optional) to which you can add your favorite communication symbol or picture. TOC cards come as the BASIC set of 20 cards.
Supplemental sets allow you to customize your vocabulary for your specific needs.There are nine supplemental sets (five cards in each set). The sets are: School 1, School2, Community, Leisure, Wellness & Fast Food.
NEW! CORE word sets are Core Words 1, Core Words 2 & Core Words 3. See the "More Information" section to the right for details on TOC products.
The use of tangible symbols has been a successful communication intervention for individuals of all ages and disabilities, including autism, blind/low vision, deaf/blindness, developmental disabilities, and multiple disabilities. Special attention was given to the tactile needs of those with blind/low vision. Dimensions 5" x 7". Removable Symbol cards are 2" x 3.5".
The image shows examples of optional SymbolStix symbols on Tangible Object Cards. Additional SymbolStix card sets can be ordered separately, click here.
Save by buying the bundle.
- The Bundle (TOC-BDL-xx) includes the BASIC set and six supplemental sets (not Core Words sets). 50 object cards total.
- NEW! The Super Bundle (TOC-SBDL-xx) includes the BASIC set, six supplemental sets and three Core Words sets. 65 object cards total.
Tangible Object Cards
TOC cards provide a standardized vocabulary. This is important for consistency, but you might wish to customize the vocabulary for your specific needs. Visit the Resources page for alternate vocabulary suggestions, as well as images of each TOC set.